Making Exercise A Daily Priority

Six Things To Do When You Start Using A Treadmill Desk

Using a treadmill desk can be an effective and convenient way to get a good amount of exercise on a daily basis. However, you need to get used to working at this type of desk to ensure that you can maintain your professional productivity while using this item. 

You should try doing the following six things when you start using a treadmill desk to maximize the usefulness of this new piece of workplace equipment. 

Start out with more simple work tasks

Classify your work tasks according to how complex they are. When you're starting out at your treadmill desk, focus on doing only the more simple tasks. This will make things easier for you until you get the hang of using your treadmill desk. 

Alternate with a regular desk

You don't have to use your treadmill desk throughout your entire workday. You can also have a regular desk available to you that you can also use in your workplace. 

Use your work desk at different periods throughout the day. Give yourself a break after you've gotten an adequate amount of activity at your treadmill desk. 

Go at a reasonable speed

Some people may go at relatively slow speeds when working at treadmill desks. However, even a very slow walk will allow you to gradually burn calories as you work. It's not necessary to go at a very fast pace, but setting your treadmill to a significantly high speed can compromise the effectiveness of treadmill desk work. 

Use the right footwear

Don't try to use your typical workplace footwear once you start working at a treadmill desk. You need to wear footwear that is appropriate for being active. Invest in a comfortable pair of walking shoes. This way, you will remain comfortable as you exercise in the workplace. 

Try various setups

You might have to make several adjustments to your treadmill desk setup before you find a way to position your equipment that optimizes productivity. Make adjustments to the height of your desk, the treadmill speed, and more until you've optimized your setup to ensure both comfort and productivity. 

Put time into practicing at first

Even after you've optimized your setup, you might still need to invest some time into practicing before you feel confident and effective at tackling work tasks while exercising at your treadmill desk. 

A treadmill desk may not be immediately easy to use. However, you can put some time into practicing until you get the hang of working at your treadmill desk. This way, you won't get frustrated or discouraged if your treadmill desk takes some getting used to. Contact a company for more information about options, such as the Lifespan under desk treadmill.