Making Exercise A Daily Priority

Full Body Exercises That Get You More Of A Workout In Less Time

Do you hate spending hours in the gym or simply not have hours to spare for a workout? One strategy to consider is to begin full-body workouts. These workouts are activities that work many different muscle groups at once, allowing you to get a full workout in less time overall. Another good thing about full-body exercises is that they tend to be fun. Here are a few full-body exercises that will keep you entertained and fit.


Swimming is the classic full-body exercise, and it has the added benefit of being very easy on your joints. A lot of people with arthritis and other joint conditions enjoy swimming as the water takes the pressure off their bodies and allows them to move more freely. Swimming requires you to use both your arms and legs, and it also makes you use your core to keep your body straight. You can spend 20 or 30 minutes just practicing various strokes and swimming laps at a modest pace and feel confident you've gotten plenty of physical activity.


Cycling is obviously good exercise for your legs, but if you ride on a road bike, it can be a great upper body exercise, too. You support your weight with your arms when in a more forward position. You can ride as hard or as easy as you want, making it easy to tailor your workout to your given level of fitness. Enjoy the countryside as you pedal along, and the workout will be over before you know it.

Hiking on Rugged Terrain

At first you might not think of hiking as being a full-body activity, but when you hike across rugged terrain, it certainly can be. There may be points when you have to climb up some rocks, using your arms for support, and other points where you really have to brace with your core while going down a hill. Hiking is higher-impact than swimming or cycling, but if your joints can handle this, it's a great strengthening exercise that puts you up close with nature. Ease your way into it, and hike with friends to be safe.

Whether you choose swimming, cycling, or hiking, engaging in a full-body exercise is a fun and entertaining way to keep your body fit. Try switching it up and doing one session of each of these exercises each week. You'll develop balanced muscle and work on your cardiovascular fitness at the same time.