Making Exercise A Daily Priority

What Type of Fitness Class Should You Be Taking?

You want to get healthier, lose weight, or just relieve some stress, and you know that you need some support and motivation to meet your fitness goals. An exercise class at your local gym or fitness center could be just the thing to get you moving and provide you with a built-in support system to help you keep at it. But which class should you take? There are so many choices, from yoga to Pilates to Zumba. How can you tell which one is right for you? Take a look at some ways to narrow down your choices and decide which class is right for you.

Look for Classes that Specify Target Areas of the Body

Maybe you're looking for a class that will help you tone up a few specific body parts. You want six-pack abs or thinner thighs, for example. If that's the case, many fitness classes make it easy by putting the body parts they target right in the name of the class.

Class names like Ab Attack or B.L.T. (for Butt, Legs, and Thighs) make it easy to choose classes that will include exercises that target the specific body parts you're looking to improve. Less creative names, like Upper Body Workout or Shoulder Sculpting, can still give you the information that you need to decide if the class is right for you.

Know What Helps You Relax

Do you want a fitness class that will help you escape from the daily grind and de-stress a little? It's important to know yourself well enough to know what kind of activity will help you relax and recharge.

For example, yoga and kickboxing are very different, but they can both be great for relaxation. If you're the type of person who needs to calm down, center yourself, and find some inner peace to feel relaxed, try yoga. If you're the type of person who needs to work off all of your nervous energy and blow off steam before you can feel relaxed, kickboxing is probably more your speed.

Learn How to Work in Exercises You Don't Like

Some people love hitting the treadmill or lifting weights, while other people really do not. It's important to learn how to work the types of exercises that you're not so crazy about into your routine anyway. A fitness class can help you do that.

For example, if you hate to run, maybe you'd enjoy a Zumba class instead. The fast-paced dancing will help you get the cardio that you need without the boredom of running on a treadmill. Zumba burns a lot of calories—between 350 and 650 in an hour if you stay at full intensity the whole time—but it burns those calories while feeling more like a fun activity than a workout.

Look for Introductory Classes

Maybe you just don't really know what you need or what kind of exercise you like. That's OK. Many gyms and fitness centers offer free introductory classes. Look for those offers.

Trying a few different introductory classes lets you get a taste of what the classes are going to be like before you commit. If you hate it or it doesn't seem to address your needs, just try something else next time. When you find something you like, sign up for ongoing classes.

Fitness classes can be a great way to inspire yourself and help meet your fitness goals. It's worth putting in the effort to find the right classes for you. To learn more, contact services like Aspen Hill Club.